Lit & Kor

As an application platform the modern Browser is finally becoming more managable. MS IE and even the new one, MS Edge, are history, most Browsers are now based off the Blink Rendering Engine, meaning Chrome, with Safari and Firefox being modern exceptions that none-the-less offer most contemporary web-features. As a consequence it is now increasingly more feasible for contemporary web applications to use modern methodologies, such as Web Components and JavaScript Template Literals for building WebApp UI Components and updating the view.

Using these new technologies also gets rid of the need for a virtual DOM for most scenarios, so that’s a good thing too.

Two of the hottest contenders in this area are the pure web component library “Lit” and the UI Library “Kor”, based of Lit. If you can and want to leave older browsers behind and want to build a snappy and fast PWA, going with these two is probably a good choice.

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