25 Years of PHP

A very enlightening talk on PHP and its history. Rasmus Lerdorf thouroughly explains apparent inconsistencies and also explains why they make perfect sense. Get to know the in and outs of PHP and why it’s brilliant in its own way and why it’s so successful to this very day. This is a must-watch for every web software developer!



Symfony is one of the most mature PHP Frameworks and many large Webapplications are built on it. Many newer Frameworks utilise and integrate Symfony components. A solid foundation and widespread industry adoption often make it the go-to toolkit for non-trivial projects.

Symfony ist eines der ausgereiftesten PHP Frameworks und wird bei in vielen großen Webapplikationen als Grundlage verwendet. Viele neuere Frameworks bedienen sich im Symfony Angebot und integrieren unterschiedliche Module aus diesem Projekt. Ein solides Codefundament und die lang-wärende Etablierung in der IT Fachwelt macht es zu Werkzeugkasten der Wahl für nicht-triviale Projekte.

Dart & Flutter

Normaly I’m not a sucker for new programming languages that pop up seemingly out of nowhere. I was notably skeptical about Ruby and the Rails hype and even with languages that the world needs – such as Rust and Go – I do support them, but don’t jump all over them right away. Dart however I’ve been weary about ever since it showed up on my radar a few years ago. Dart & Flutter weiterlesen

The JAMStack Approach

Tearing ties between frontend and backend apart, going headless or at least ‘headlose’, brazenly moving dynamic logic to the client and decoupling as much as possible into disparate microservices. This probably is the way to go forward in the 2020ies for web content. One degraded WordPress project to many has me seriously looking into this sort of thing now. The JAMStack Approach weiterlesen

React JS

Within the last decade React has become the de-facto standard technology for Web UIs, along with the concept of “Virtual DOM”. Now with the patents problem removed and React – just like jQuery – becoming a first-class citizen in WordPress with the release of WordPress 5.0 there is yet another solid reason to become familiar with this toolkit as it probably is here to stay for quite a while and remain one of the Big-Wig Toolkits for Web Application Development.

Here are some links to get you started if you haven’t already: