Elm is one of the lesser know languages in the JavaScript ecosystem. Like others, it transpiles to JavaScript, but it has two prominent traits that emphasise what the language is meant for:
- It’s fully functional, following a contemorary development trend and doing a neat and useful implementation of the concept.
- It’s built with the single focus for programming SPAs (single page applications)
Despite following avantgarde software development and coding techniques it is know for being easy to use and very fast and relyable to develop in.
Here is Elms featureset compared to the JavaScript world:
Feature: Package Management: Build Tool: Virtual DOM: State Management: Strong Typing: Immutability: |
JavaScript npm Webpack ReactJS Redux Typescript/Flow Immutable.js |
Elm build in build in build in build in build in build in |
Here are some links on Elm:
- The official Elm Website
- The official Elm Guide
- Beginning Elm
- Elm UI – an Elm UI Toolkit (duh)
- Elm Bootstrap
- Material – an Elm library for implementing Material Design UIs