• The Vue Ecosystem

    The Vue Ecosystem

    For larger modern and VDOM-related frontend work the contemporary Vue ecosystem is a good choice and lets you move fast and deliver tried and tested results. Here’s a list of the broader technologies that yours truely recommends for non-trivial web projects using Vue as a foundation for your SPAs.

  • Infrastructure as Code

    Infrastructure as Code

    Container-virtualisation and cloud infrastructure have become commonplace and the go-to default method of building and deploying applications and IT beyond trivial setups. This in turn has led to the industrialisation of virtual infrastructure and technologies that help construct and manage such virtual infrastructure.

  • krakenD API Gateway

    krakenD API Gateway

    For SOA in web development at some point you’ll need an API gateway. krakenD delivers with a web/https centric approach that is easy to scale and built with the Go programming language.

  • Hipster Compliant VDOM

    Hipster Compliant VDOM

    VueJS is the third of The Big Three™ SPA/VDOM Toolkits and it enjoys an ever growing following. Sort of a mix of the best of React and Angular, it has a distinct „ISO-certified hipster compliant“ vibe about it and doesn’t fail to deliver on its „View!“ promise.

  • Lit & Kor

    Lit & Kor

    As an application platform the modern Browser is finally becoming more managable. MS IE and even the new one, MS Edge, are history, most Browsers are now based off the Blink Rendering Engine, meaning Chrome, with Safari and Firefox being modern exceptions that none-the-less offer most contemporary web-features. As a consequence it is now increasingly…

  • Next up: Low Power Computing

    Next up: Low Power Computing

    Obviously. We knew this would be coming. Isn’t there any seasoned developer like me who doesn’t think that in the last two decades things have gotten out of hand? Most of the Web is dynamic for no good reason and recent tech-fads such as NodeJS or the Container/Docker Craze with its convoluted and bloated build,…

  • DropzoneJS & React Dropzone

    DropzoneJS & React Dropzone

    Modern-Day Drag’n’Drop for the Web: DropzoneJS & React Dropzone. Enjoy.

  • Alle Docker Container stoppen

    Alle Docker Container stoppen

    Um alle Docker Container zu stoppen, einfach diesen Befehl ausführen: Wie funktioniert das?Der ‚docker ps‘ Befehl listet alle laufenden Container. Die Option ‚-q‘ listet nur die IDs. Diese liste übergeben wir dem ‚docker kill‘ Befehl. Fertig. Alle Docker Container entfernen Wenn man die Container nicht nur stoppen, sondern auch entfernen will, einfach diesen Befehl ausführen:…

  • Inkscape Apply Transform

    Inkscape Apply Transform

    If you need to install the „Apply Transform“ Extension for Inkscape to easily … apply transforms (Duh.) on Linux you just need to execute this command and it will download the Inkscape extension scripts and deploy them straight to the global Inkscape extension directory:

  • Meet Deno, the new Node

    Meet Deno, the new Node

    Deno is a new implementation of a runtime environment by the original creator of Node. v1 came about roughly a year ago and it’s basically a redo of Node with all the insights gained and the newest proven technologies at its core. Deno is implemented in Rust and sports TypeScript as a native and first…

  • Modern Web Security

    Modern Web Security

    Modern Web Security is enabled and handled with up-to-date industry standards and solid service-oriented solutions for Identification, Authentication, Authorization, Access Control and Access Delegation, Encryption and Data Security. Here’s an overview of contemporary industry standards for all that:

  • Probleme in Software­projekten

    Probleme in Software­projekten

    Hier sind ein paar Schlüsselindikatoren, die nach meiner Erfahrung zur Problemen in Softwareprojekten führen. Die meisten davon haben nichts mit dem technischen Entwicklungsprozess zu tun.

  • Cypress


    Awesome new-era end-to-end testing.

  • Material UI – Material Design for React Applications

    Material UI – Material Design for React Applications

    Nice. Check it out: Material UI.

  • Browser für die Webentwicklung

    Browser für die Webentwicklung

    Für die Webentwicklung ergibt es oft Sinn, sich mehrere Browser zu installieren, um in getrennten Sessions und Nutzerkonten seine Webapplikationen zu testen. Hier eine Übersicht über verschiedene Browser, die sich weitgehend kollisionsfrei nebeneinander installieren lassen:

  • Svelte


    While true Web Components are on the rise and the Google Polymer Project has ended its lifecycle and web component efforts are now continued with the super-light lit library, classic VDOM and PWA toolkits are still in wide use. The big three – React, Angular and Vue – have contenders, some of which have gained…

  • State of the Word 2021

    State of the Word 2021

    Matt Mullenweg, CEO von Automattic (WordPress.com, etc.), hat dieses Jahr wieder live die State of the Word Ansprache gehalten, wenn auch im kleinen Kreis. Viel interessantes ist dabei, unter anderem eine solide Übersicht über die aktuellen Features. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OpiH_P9aGhQ

  • WordPress 2021

    WordPress 2021

    WordPress hat gewonnen – so viel ist klar. 39,5% der obersten 10 Millionen Websites im Internet werden jetzt von WordPress bereitgestellt. Das ist ein 4% Zuwachs in nur einem Jahr – der größte Zuwachs seit Begin des Projekts. Einen nicht geringen Anteil daran hatte auch das in der Pandemie gewachsene Interesse von einzelnen, auch eine…

  • PHP 8

    PHP 8

    PHP 8 has been released. It’s really good. And ready for production. See an overview of the new features here.

  • Laravel


    Laravel has, in my opinion, by now established itself as the go-to framework for just about all things PHP when the development of larger, more complex applications calls for a framework or foundation library.