Autor: Phillip Richdale
Alle Docker Container stoppen
Um alle Docker Container zu stoppen, einfach diesen Befehl ausführen: Wie funktioniert das?Der ‘docker ps’ Befehl listet alle laufenden Container. Die Option ‘-q’ listet nur die IDs. Diese liste übergeben wir dem ‘docker kill’ Befehl. Fertig. Alle Docker Container entfernen Wenn man die Container nicht nur stoppen, sondern auch entfernen will, einfach diesen Befehl ausführen:…
Inkscape Apply Transform
If you need to install the “Apply Transform” Extension for Inkscape to easily … apply transforms (Duh.) on Linux you just need to execute this command and it will download the Inkscape extension scripts and deploy them straight to the global Inkscape extension directory:
Meet Deno, the new Node
Deno is a new implementation of a runtime environment by the original creator of Node. v1 came about roughly a year ago and it’s basically a redo of Node with all the insights gained and the newest proven technologies at its core. Deno is implemented in Rust and sports TypeScript as a native and first…
Modern Web Security
Modern Web Security is enabled and handled with up-to-date industry standards and solid service-oriented solutions for Identification, Authentication, Authorization, Access Control and Access Delegation, Encryption and Data Security. Here’s an overview of contemporary industry standards for all that:
Probleme in Softwareprojekten
Hier sind ein paar Schlüsselindikatoren, die nach meiner Erfahrung zur Problemen in Softwareprojekten führen. Die meisten davon haben nichts mit dem technischen Entwicklungsprozess zu tun.
Awesome new-era end-to-end testing.
Material UI – Material Design for React Applications
Nice. Check it out: Material UI.
Browser für die Webentwicklung
Für die Webentwicklung ergibt es oft Sinn, sich mehrere Browser zu installieren, um in getrennten Sessions und Nutzerkonten seine Webapplikationen zu testen. Hier eine Übersicht über verschiedene Browser, die sich weitgehend kollisionsfrei nebeneinander installieren lassen:
While true Web Components are on the rise and the Google Polymer Project has ended its lifecycle and web component efforts are now continued with the super-light lit library, classic VDOM and PWA toolkits are still in wide use. The big three – React, Angular and Vue – have contenders, some of which have gained…
State of the Word 2021
Matt Mullenweg, CEO von Automattic (, etc.), hat dieses Jahr wieder live die State of the Word Ansprache gehalten, wenn auch im kleinen Kreis. Viel interessantes ist dabei, unter anderem eine solide Übersicht über die aktuellen Features.
WordPress 2021
WordPress hat gewonnen – so viel ist klar. 39,5% der obersten 10 Millionen Websites im Internet werden jetzt von WordPress bereitgestellt. Das ist ein 4% Zuwachs in nur einem Jahr – der größte Zuwachs seit Begin des Projekts. Einen nicht geringen Anteil daran hatte auch das in der Pandemie gewachsene Interesse von einzelnen, auch eine…
PHP 8 has been released. It’s really good. And ready for production. See an overview of the new features here.
Laravel has, in my opinion, by now established itself as the go-to framework for just about all things PHP when the development of larger, more complex applications calls for a framework or foundation library.
For more than a decade now my Vector Graphics Tool of choise as been the Free Open Source Software Tool Inkscape. And for good reasons too. Premium grade SVG editing features, zero-fuss cross-platform functionality and tools and extensions in abundance offer anything you’d want for professional vector-graphics work without strange subscriptions or bloated slow GUIs.…
Tailwind CSS
When it comes to CSS Frameworks, Tailwind has been the hottest thing since sliced bread lately. When it comes to speedhacking designs, their approach is pretty good and the hype around Tailwind CSS is somewhat justified. For me it definitely looks worth a try.
Professional Web Analytics
One does not have to suck up to Google & Co. or try to apply some magic SEO-Snakeoil in order to be diligent about professional web performance and search-engine friendlyness. Google doesn’t like people trying to trick them into higher pageranking and they are fast at retaliation and downmodding ranks a few thousand points when…
It’s been a very long time since I’ve last thoroughly looked into the state of open source video editing software. And I have good news: FOSS video editing has matured at a professional level. Recently I’ve started a video project once again – the last one was 16 years ago or so. I started with…
The Vala Programming Language
There’s no lack of programming languages, that’s for sure. The last two decades have seen a surge of sophisticated new-generation PLs that have rocked quite a few boats and have set the tone for an update of 90ies microcomputer programming. Purely functional programming has moved out of the niche and the academic world and become…
WordPress 5.5
WordPress 5.5 ist erschienen und wird gerade weltweit ausgeliefert. In diesem Release sind viele Features integriert, die sonst nur durch externe Module und Erweiterungen möglich waren. Hier eine detailierte Übersicht:
Stop using Java for Java development. Switch to Kotlin.
Are you doing enterprise development in Java? Then stop. Don’t get me wrong, Java is neat, Java blazed the way for non-trivial cross-platform bytecode-based software development. Many systems that are not specifically web-centric continue to rely on Java these days and it’s been way more than a decade that countless programming languages have come to…
Gitea – A very good Web Git GUI